Terms & Conditions
All rights to contents, designs and images, in the catalog, website, and any other publication are reserved to the auction house.
The use of contents, designs or images, for any purpose, is not allowed without written permission from the auction house, as well as full accreditation.
1.1. The following terms and conditions bind every bidder, individual or otherwise. Participation in an auction indicates the agreement to all that is written in this document.
1.2. Levy Auction House (hereinafter the “Auction House”) acts as an agent for sellers of items that are offered for sale to the public.
1.3. Participation in an auction requires prior registration with the auction house. The auction house, in its own discretion, reserves the right to not approve the participation of any potential buyer.
1.4. The Auction House will produce a catalog for every auction, which will specify the items available for sale, and their opening prices.
1.5. The Auction House will appoint a person as the manager of the sale. The manager of the sale will be responsible on behalf of the auction house for the execution of the auction and for its management.
1.6. The manager of the sale has the sole authority to determine the winner of each item, to prevent participation in the auction from any person, to cancel the sale of an item (even after it is sold), to re-enter it for sale, to add or withdraw any information regarding an item from the catalog, verbally or by written notice, at any stage of the sale. In the event of a dispute or disagreement in regard to the identity of the winning bidder, the manager of the sale will have the sole authority to determine the winning bidder, or alternatively offer the item in another sale.
1.7. The auction house reserves the right to withdraw or add items to the sale.
1.8. In the event of identical bids for an item, the bid which was received first at the auction house will be the winning bid.
1.9. The auction house is doing its best to describe items as accurately as possible, both by writing and by images. However, everything that appears in the catalog, including price estimates and description, is for the purpose of information only and is in no way a guarantee on behalf of the auction house and its employees or representatives. The auction house will not be responsible for the condition of items, their color, or the accuracy of the description.
1.10. It is the responsibility of the buyer to inspect the condition, size, quality, authenticity, and value of an item, either by contacting the auction house with a request for further information or during the public viewing. Participants in the sale will be considered as if they have inspected the items, and give up the right to claim about the nature or condition of an item.
1.11. Without derogating from the aforesaid, the buyer may submit in writing any objections regarding a purchased item, within 14 days of the sale. In the event it is proven to the auction house that there has been a fundamental error in the provided information regarding a purchased item, the auction house will refund the buyer, and the item shall be returned to the possession of the auction house in the same condition in which it was received. Subject to the aforesaid, the buyer shall have no claims or further demands from the auction house.
1.12. All the prices that appear in the catalog and website are minimum prices and are not to be considered as any kind of evidence or evaluation.
2. Participation in the sale
2.1. All bids are final, and participants will not be permitted, under no circumstances, to amend or retract bids.
2.2. Online bidding
2.2.1. It is possible to participate in auctions and to bid online. In such an event, the participant will be required to register in advance with the auction house and receive its approval. The auction house reserves the right to refuse any participant, at its sole discretion, as well as the right to revoke online bidding privileges from bidders at any time.
2.2.2. The auction house will not be responsible for online participants during the auction, including cases of connectivity issues, slow response times, errors, failures to execute a bid, or any other reason.
2.2.3. Bidding using the Liveauctioneers or Invaluable platforms will incur a 5% fee to be added to the auction house standard commission.
2.2.4. The record of the sale, kept by the auction house, will be absolute and final in all disputes. In the event of a discrepancy between the online record and the record of the sale, the latter will govern.
2.3. Absentee bids
2.3.1. Upon request, the auction house will represent participants who are unable or do not wish to participate in the live auction. To submit a request, participants must complete the absentee bidding form which can be found on the auction house website. Submissions will be accepted no later than 12 hours before the opening of the sale.
2.3.2. The auction house, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to deny requests for absentee bidding and to revoke the right to bid at any time.
2.3.3. The auction house will not be liable, under no circumstances, for any failure or error in executing absentee bids.
2.4. Telephone bidding
2.4.1. Participants who wish to take part in the auction via the telephone must complete the telephone bidding form which can be found on the auction house website. Submissions will be accepted no later than 24 hours before the opening of the sale.
2.4.2. The auction house, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to deny requests for telephone bidding and to revoke the right to bid, even at the time of the auction.
2.4.3. Participants who request to take part in the auction via the telephone, thereby commit to placing the minimum bid for items. If the participant will not answer the telephone during the auction, the minimum bid for the items will be placed on their behalf.
2.4.4. The auction house will not be liable, under no circumstances, for any failure or error in executing telephone bids.
3. Payment
3.1. Once the manager of the sale has announced a bidder as the winner of an item, the offer will be considered as accepted, and the item will pass to the winning bidder, subject to the fulfillment of all his obligations including payment for the item in addition to the commission.
3.2. The commission is 22% of the amount of the winning bid, in addition to VAT on the commission (or 27% using LivaAuctioneers or Invaluable).
3.3. The payment to the auction house will be completed no later than seven days after the date of the auction.
3.4. Payment to the auction house can be made in cash (Shekels, US Dollars or Euros, and up to a sum of 11,000 shekels), wire transfer in shekels, wire transfers in US Dollars (subject to a fee of 25$) or credit card (subject to a fee of 2% for local cards and 3% for Intl cards).
3.5. The payment in New Israeli Shekels for items priced in US Dollars or any other currency will be calculated according to the rate of exchange, published by the Bank of Israel on the date of the sale, but will not be less than the exchange rate on the day of payment.
3.6. Any delay in the payment will make the buyer liable to interest at the rate of 2% per week of the amount payable.
3.7. The buyer of an item, whether for himself or for another, is obligated to pay for the item and to collect it. If the buyer fails to pay for an item on time, the auction house reserves the right to take any necessary means, including the retention of the item, canceling the sale, selling the item to another, charging the buyer for any expenses caused to the auction house, and sue for compensation.
4. Collection
4.1. It is the responsibility of the buyer to collect the purchased items, directly from the offices of the auction house, or to arrange a delivery service or courier on his behalf.
4.2. The collection of items will be made by appointment only.
4.3. Upon request, the auction house, without accepting any responsibility for damages or loss, may pack and ship items on the buyer’s expense. The auction house will update the buyer regarding the cost of handling and shipping, based on the type, weight, and size of the package, as well as the shipping method and destination.
4.4. The buyer is obligated to collect the purchased item no later than 14 days after the date of the sale. For the avoidance of all doubt, items will be handed over only after payment is completed as well as any other obligations related to the purchased item.
4.5. A storage fee of $5 per day, per item, will be charged for any uncollected items, beginning two weeks from the day of the sale.
5. Clarifications
5.1. The participant agrees that he read the terms and conditions, understands, and accepts all that is written in them.
5.2. Any reference in this agreement to the singular shall include the plural as well as a corporate, and vice versa.
5.3. The authorized courts of Tel Aviv shall have the only and sole jurisdiction in any dispute between the auction house and its clients.
5.4. In the event of doubt, the Hebrew version of these terms and conditions will govern.
5.5. These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the buyer and the auction house. Any prior agreement between the parties is hereby canceled.